They might not get up and leave all at once but little by little as these and other kinds of reports are broadcast, they'll begin to see the little things taking place around them as part of a whole picture rather than as isolated incidents that are only happening in their own congregation.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Why the Oxygen Special will not work like we think it will...
by HiddenPimo inwithin the very documentary is a reason i think that jw's for the most part will not wake up even if they watch this program.
the one lady actually saw as her family sat behind the abuser in court supporting him despite the established fact that he had abused their very own child.. this shows how deep the indoctrination is.
i am not saying that some won't wake up, but the majority will carry on, not even because they think these things are lies but because they will look past that at all costs to side with jehovah.
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut is this person based in the Tampa bay area? If so, I went to the same person and had to sign the same document. She did help me at the time but looking back I feel she is breaking the law by doing that. Take care. Still Totally ADD
No this was in the Pacific Northwest. I'm sure her document wouldn't hold up in a court of law as it attempts to supersede the HIPPA laws and gets people in a vulnerable state to sign away their legal rights. I only went to see her 2 times because she seemed as if she was more in need of counseling than I was.
All I needed to do was to stop attending 3 funeral services per week AKA "the Meetings". Within a week or so, my anxiety was gone.
The Oxygen Special...
by Biahi injust talked to my pimi mom about this special, of course she saw it advertised, but didn’t watch it.
she told me those programs are “ apostate lies.” i asked her if people magazine is apostate.
she said no, but the one who wrote the article is.
Pete Zahut
The world and it's media is run by Satan and can't be trusted except when the say something complimentary or favorable about JW's.
Pete Zahut
In my final years as a JW I was overcome with severe anxiety because I didn't listen to the inner voice telling me to get out of a religion that I knew to be wrong.
I went to see a local Counselor who was a well known JW who had a booming practice treating JW's with anxiety and depression. She made her JW patients sign a document that gave her permission to run to the elders if any information about "unscriptural" activity or actions, was revealed in the course of her counseling.
It's ironic to me, in view of this letter, that JW leaders don't feel a sense of moral or legal obligation to report murder(s) to the authorities yet they want a counselor to (illegally) reveal to the local elders, information that a JW patient divulges during a counseling session.
by Annamouse inbit of background: a couple of years ago i was reproved after i slept with a brother that i was in love with but we were not married.
in fairness, the elders were kind and supportive.
the problem is, i had always been the model witness before that.
Pete Zahut
My question, if there are any paramedics/A&E workers on here, is why my clothes were cut off me?
As others have said, your clothes were cut off for quick access so that emergency personnel could utilize life support and medical diagnosis equipment. I'm guessing you had a heart monitor and respiratory management equipment attached and were given Naloxone or some other medication depending upon what you O.D'd on. If you'd have had CPR, you'd likely have extreme bruising and a cracked sternum.
The problem is, I had always been the model witness before that. I felt dirty and disgusting, I went into a deep depression and ended up trying to end my life by overdose.
As a "Model Witness" you likely had a lot of unrealistic expectations of yourself and of others and an imbalanced view of yourself and your worth for having been less than perfect. This is because JW's tend to forget that the moral code they follow and refer to as "Gods Law", was meant to be a protection for mankind not a means to catch them out and punish them. They tend to emphasize the punishment and sin aspect rather than the intent of the moral laws they follow.
In fairness, the elders were kind and supportive.
Remember, the people who saved your life, didn't learn those skills just for you. They are there to help millions of others like you who really love life and do want to live but just couldn't see past their current painful situation.
Thankfully you survived and those highly trained individuals were able to help you in a real and tangible way rather than read you a daisy chained set of scriptures to show you the error of your ways and then read your name out in front of a congregation of people and require them to abandon you in your hour of need. That is not at all "kind and supportive" and to think that it is, may be a bit of the left over skewed JW thinking.
Glad all of that is behind you now. Thanks for sharing your experience with us !
the FULL EPISODE 'The Witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 US Oxygen
by NRKoppe inthe full episode 'the witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 us oxygen(viewable from 🧶 outside of the us!
Pete Zahut
Pete zahut that link asks you to login your TV provider and apparently there all USA based providers .
I can click on the link and watch it directly on my laptop by clicking on the video and waiting for the commercials to finish playing
It's a bit misleading when you download the Ap. on your television, but if you look closely you'll see that it asks you to log in with your TV provider OR it also gives you another option where you can log on with your google or Facebook etc account. by going to their website and entering the code they provide you with.
Coronavirus: Punishment from Jehovah and a sign from Jesus!
by lastmanstanding inthe watchtower has taught for over a century that plague is part of jesus’ sign letting earth know he’s lurkin’.... combined with the recent acceleration by the chinese gubmint of ejecting jws from china, it’s no surprise that dubs are of the belief that ‘jehovah is punishing china’.. dubs must be expecting a few large earthquakes to strike china in the next weeks with possibly a war or two, to round out the pain of jesus’ sign to these wicked jehovah haters..
Pete Zahut
Combined with the recent acceleration by the Chinese gubmint of ejecting JWs from China, it’s no surprise that dubs are of the belief that ‘Jehovah is punishing China’.
Run, don't walk to your nearest Kingdom Hall if you hear the Yangtze River has turned to blood !
How Many Here Remember Hearing Details from the Platform on Why a Person was Reproved or DF'd ???
by RubaDub ini just had this flashback when commenting on another thread about how they used to announce reproof or dfing from the platform.
at least in our congregation, it was a dramatic event (this is what i can remember from back in the mid-late 60's or early 70's when i was a kid).. at the end of the service meeting, just before singing the final song, the brother would announce, "we have a letter that must be read.
the "congregation servant" (my grandfather or later my father) would then slowly walk from the back of the kh to the platform.
Pete Zahut
I remember as a kid they used to say what the offense was then later they started saying that "so and so" was df'd for acts unbecoming of a Christian and is no longer considered a good associate.
Everyone in the congregation eventually found out what the details were because let's face it....the power of the Holy Spirit is limited to how scrupulous the Elders on the Committee (and their Wives) are, and whether their giant book bags have locks on them.
Can You Name ANYTHING That Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Been Right About?
by minimus inregarding prophecies, i can’t name one thing jws have been correct about.
as a matter of fact nothing stands out to me that shows the witnesses have the truth..
Pete Zahut
I can’t name one thing JWs have been correct about.
"Religion is a snare and a racket"
the FULL EPISODE 'The Witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 US Oxygen
by NRKoppe inthe full episode 'the witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 us oxygen(viewable from 🧶 outside of the us!
Pete Zahut
This link will take you to the program.